시작자기 소개강의과목English

J27 Jae Seung Lee, Kyeong Mo Kim and Bong-Soo Kang, "Modeling and Precise Control of a Pneumatic Artificial Muscle based on Deep Learning," Transactions of KSME (A), Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 35~42, 2021 (in Korean)

J26 Bong-Soo Kang, "A Study of the Characteristics of a Pneumatic Origami-inspired Artificial Muscle and its Application to a Soft Gripper for Safe Adaptation," Transactions of KSME (A), Vol. 44, No. 3, pp. 179~185, 2020 (in Korean)

J25 Bong-Soo Kang, Duk-Hwa Kang, Song-I Kim, and Woo-Jae Park, "Development of a Wearable Soft Robot for Rehabilitation and Motion Assistance, " Journal of ICROS, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 255~259, 2019  (in Korean)

J24 Hee-Nam Choi, Bong-Soo Kang, "Study on Performance Variation of Machine Vision according to Velocity of an Object and Precision Improvement by Linear Compensation", Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, Vol. 19, No. 12,  pp. 903-909, 2018  (in Korean)

J23 Chang-Jun Oh, Hee-Nam Choi, Bong-Soo Kang, "Vibration Control of an Electomagnetic Shaker by Sweep Sine Signal", Transactions of KSME (A), Vol. 42, No. 7,  pp. 687-692, 2018  (in Korean)

J22 Se-Jin Chang, Bong-Soo Kang, "A study on the Modeling and Impedance Control of an Instrinsic  Continuum Robot, ", Journal of ICROS, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 199~202, 2017  (in Korean)

J21 Paul K. Yoon, Shaghayegh Zihagehzadeh, Bong-Soo Kang, and Edward J. Park, "Robust Biomechanical Model-based 3D Indoor Localization and Tracking Method Using UWB and IMU," IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 1084~1096, 2017

J20 Bong-Soo Kang, "Kinematics of an Intrinsic Contrinuum Robot with Pneumatic Artificial Muscles," Transactions of KSME (A), Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 289~296, 2016  (in Korean)

J19 Shaghayegh Zihagehzadeh, Paul K. Yoon, Bong-Soo Kang, and Edward J. Park, "UWB-Aided Inertial Moion Capture for Lower Body 3-D Dynamic Activity and Trajectory Tracking," IEEE Transactions on Instrument and Measurement, Vol. 64, No. 12, pp. 3577~3587, 2015

J18 Chang Hyun Kang, Ji Hwan Bae, and Bong-Soo Kang, "Development of an Intrinsic Continuum Robot and Attitude Estimation of its End-Effector Based on a Kalman Filter," Transactions of KSME (A), Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 361~367, 2015  (in Korean)

J17 Bong-Soo Kang, "Compliance characteristic and force control of antagonistic actuation by pneumatic artificial muscles," Meccanica, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 565 ~ 574, 2014

J16 Ryeong-Hyeon Kim and Bong-Soo Kang, "Teleoperation of Pneumatic Artificial Muscles Based on Joint Stiffness of Master Device", Transactions of KSME (A), Vol. 37, No. 12, pp. 1521~1527, 2013  (in Korean)

J15 Bong-Soo Kang, Yoon-Ho Cho, Jeong-Nam Choi, "Development of Fracture-type Protector for a Launching Reconnaissance Robot", Transactions of KSME (A), Vol. 36, No. 11, pp. 1473~1478, 2012. (in Korean)

J14 Bong-Soo Kang, Moon-Sik Park, "Protector Design and Shock Analysis for a Launch-Reconnaissance Robot", Transactions of  KSME (A), Vol 35, No. 8, pp. 971~976, 2011. (in Korean)

J13 Bong-Soo Kang, "Model Estimation and Precise Position Control of an Antagonistic Actuation with Pneumatic Artificial Muscles", Transactions of  KSME (A), Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 533~541, 2011.(in Korean)

J12 Moon-Sik Park, Bong-Soo Kang, " Gaussian Kernel Smoothing of Explicit Transient Responses for Drop-Impact Analysis", Transactions of  KSME (A), Vol. 35, No. 3, pp.289~297, 2011.(in Korean)

J11 Bong-Soo Kang, " Multiple Simultaneous Specification Control of  Antagonistic by Pneumatic Artificial Muscles", Journal of Korea Robotics Society, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp.34~41, 2011.(in Korean)

J10 Bong-Soo Kang, Seung Song, " Dynamic Characteristics of an Antagonistic Actuation with Pneumatic Artificial Muscles", Transactions of  KSME (A), Vol. 33, No. 10, pp. 1081-1086, 2009. (in Korean)

J9 Bong-Soo Kang, Gee-Hwan Yeo, " A Study on Development of a Reconfigurable Mobile Robot and Dead-Reckoning Using Extended Kalman Filter", Transactions of  KSME (A), Vol. 33권, No. 5, pp. 455-462, 2009.(in Korean)

J8  Gee-Hwan Yeo, Jung Kim, Bong-Soo Kang, "Development of a Reconfigurable Mobile Robot and Precise Position Estimation Based on Extended Kalman Filter," Key Engineering Materials , Vol. 327, pp. 1225-1228, 2006.

J7  Bongsoo Kang, and James K. Mills, "Vibration Control of a Planar Parallel Manipulator Using Piezoelectric Actuators," Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 51-70, 2005.

J6  Bong-Soo Kang, Soo-Hyun Kim, Yoon-Keun Kawk, " Multiple Simultaneous Specification Control of a High Speed Positioning System Driven by a Brushless D.C. Motor," Transactions of  KSME (A), Vol. 28, No. 8, pp. 1093-1098, 2004. (in Korean)

J5  Bong-Soo Kang, "Two-time Scale Controller Design for Vibration Reduction of a High Speed Cartesian Manipulator, " Transactions of  KSPE, Vol. 21, No. 7, pp. 107-114, 2004. (in Korean)

J4  I. Heerah, B.S. Kang, J.K. Mills, B. Benhabib, "Architecture Selection and Singularity Analysis of a Three degree of Freedom Planar Parallel Manipulator", Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 37, pp. 355-374, 2003.

J3  Bongsoo Kang, Benny Yeung and James K. Mills, “ Two-time scale controller design for a high speed planar parallel manipulator with structural flexibility,” Robotica, Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 519-528, 2002 .

J2  Bongsoo Kang, and James K. Mills, “ Dynamic modeling of structurally-flexible planar parallel manipulator,” Robotica, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp.329-339, 2002.

J1  B. S. Kang, S. H. Kim, Y. K. Kwak, and Craig C. Smith, " Robust tracking control of a direct-drive robot," ASME Journal of Dynamics Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol.121, pp. 261-269, June, 1999 .

C21 Bong-Soo Kang and Edward Park,  Use of Deep Learning based on Recurrent Neural Network for Modeling of Characteristics of a Pneumatic Artificial Muscle, Proceedings of IIEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and System, Macau, China, 2019.

C20 Se-Bin Park, Yong-Hee Han, Sang-Min Park and Bong-Soo Kang, “Dynamic  Modeling of Fluidic Muscles based on Neural Network ” 19th Int. Conf. on Control, Automation and Systems, Jeju, Korea, 2019

C19 Bong-Soo Kang Fast and Safe Manipulation of Flexible Materials using a Soft Gripper and a Parallel Robot Proceedings of International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots, Hawaii, USA, June 2018

C18 Chang-Joon Oh, Hee-Nam Choi and Bong-Soo Kang Vibration Control of a Shaker using CompactRIO for Inspection on Automobile Components Proceedings of International Conference on Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications, Daejeon, Korea, December 2017 (Best Poster Paper Award)

C17 Bong-Soo Kang and Edward Park Modeling and control of an intrinsic continuum robot actuated by pneumatic artificial muscles, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Banff, Canada, July 2016

C16 Chang-Joon Oh, Hee-Nam Choi and Bong-Soo Kang, “Dynamic analysis of a parallel mechanism actuated by PAMs, ” 16th Int. Conf. on Control, Automation and Systems, Gyeongju, Korea, Oct. 2016

C15 Ryeong-Hyeon Kim, Chang Hyun Kang, Ji Hwan Bae, and Bong-Soo Kang, “Development of a Continuum Robot using Pneumatic Artificial Muscles,” 14th Int. Conf. on Control, Automation and Systems, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Oct. 2014.

C14 Yeon-Woo Jung, Bong-Soo Kang, “Design and evaluation of a fracture-type protector for a small launching reconnaissance Robot,” 13th Int. Conf. on Control, Automation and Systems, Kwangju, Korea, 2013.

C13 Bong-Soo Kang, Curt S. Kothera, Benjamin K. S. Woods, and Norman M. Wereley, Dynamic Modeling of Mckibben Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Antagonistic Actuation, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Kobe Japan, 2009.

C12 Gee-Hwan Yeo, Jung Kim, Bong-Soo Kang, Development of a Reconfigurable Mobile Robot and Precise Position Estimation Based on Extended Kalman Filter, International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Jeju, Korea, pp. 1225-1228, 2006.

C11 Bongsoo Kang and James K. Mills, “Study on piezoelectric actuators in vibration control of a planar parallel manipulator,” Proceedings of IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Kobe, Japan, pp. 1268-1273, 2003.

C10 Bongsoo Kang and James K. Mills, “ Two-time scale control of a high speed planar parallel manipulator with structural flexibility,” The 4th Asian Control Conference, Singapore, pp. 543-548, 2002.

C9  Imtehaze Heerah , Bongsoo Kang, James K. Mills, Beno Benhabib, “ Architecture selection and singularity analysis of a 3-degree-of-freedom planar parallel manipulator,” Proceedings of ASME 2002 Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Montreal, Canada, pp. 1-6, 2002.

C8  Edward J. Park, Bongsoo Kang and James K. Mills, “Two-time scale shape control of flexible payloads grasped by actuated grippers,” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Washing D.C, pp. 2449-2454, 2002.

C7 Bongsoo Kang, and James K. Mills, “ Dynamic modeling and vibration control of high speed planar parallel manipulator,” Proc. of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and System, pp.1287-1292, Maui Hawaii, 2001.

C6  Bongsoo Kang, Jiaxin Chu, and James K. Mills, “ Design of high speed planar parallel manipulator and multiple simultaneous specification control,” Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 2723-2728, Seoul, Korea, 2001.

C5  Woojin Chung, Hyungjin Lee, Munsang Kim, Chong-won Lee, Bongsoo Kang, “ Design and control of a dexterous  multi-fingered robot hand, ” Proceedings of 2001 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, pp. 472-475, Jeju island, Korea, 2001.

C4  Woojin Chung, Khwan Kim, Jaehyoung Lee, Taigun Lee, Bongsoo Kang, Munsang Kim, Chongwon Lee, “ Design and control of the indoor public service robot,” In Preprints of IFAC Workshop on Mobile Robot Technology, pp. 303-308, Jeju island, Korea, 2001.

C3  Bong-soo Kang, Woojin Chung, Munsang Kim, and Chong-won Lee, “ Development of a dexterous multi-fingered robot hand,” Proceedings of International Symposium on Robotics and Automation, pp. 13-18, Monterrey, Mexico, 2000.

C2  Woojin Chung, Munsang Kim, Jaehyoung Lee, Taegun Lee, Bong-soo Kang, Sangsoo Jun, Heungsung Chang, and Chong-won Lee, “ Development of a holonomic omni-directional mobile robot for indoor public services,” Proceedings of International Symposium on Robotics and Automation, pp. 521-526, Monterrey, Mexico, 2000.

C1  B. S. Kang, S. H. Kim, and Y. K. Kwak, Robust tracking control of a SCARA- type robot,” Proceedings of International Conference on the Integration of Dynamics, Monitoring and Control, pp. 241-246, Manchester, United Kingdom, 1999.


B3 강봉수, 아두이노기반 메카트로닉스 실험,  글누리, 2016.

B2 강봉수, 계측 및 제어 실험, 글누리, 2009.

B1 강봉수, 메카트로닉스 실습, 한남대학교 출판부, 2005.


P3  Bong-Soo Kang, Hyun-Soo Park, Yoon-Sik Hong, Soo-Hyun Kim, Protector of Launch Reconnaissance Robot,, Korean Patent , 10-1020636, 2011

P2  Min-Joon Kim, Bong-Soo Kang, Gi-Hwan Yeo, Automatic Blood Sugar Measurement Apparatus, Korean Patent, 10-0691582, 2007

P1  Mun-Sang Kim, Bong-Soo Kang, Woo-Jin Chung, Hyung-Jin Lee, Chong-won Lee, Robot Hand and Robot Hand Finger, United States Patent 6,918,622 B2, Japanese Patent 3721354, Korean Patent 0451412, 2004. ,

Research Activity (In Korean)

R12 의료 및 가상현실 분야에 적용가능한 착용형 소프트로봇을 위한 로봇기술 개발, 한국연구재단, 2017 (3yrs)

R11 자동차 소형부품 자동검사장치개발, 중소기업청, 2017

R10  차량 BSR 진동시험을 위한 통합가진시스템 기초연구, 에스엠인스트루먼트, 2016

R9 의료응용을 위한 혼합형 연속체 로봇 개발 및 컴플라이어스 제어에 대한 연구, 한국연구재단, 2013  (2yrs)

R8 DSP를 이용한 디지털필터 구현에 관한 연구, SM인스트루먼트, 2012  (1yr)

R7 충격보호 구조 및 센서 융합체계 개발, 지식경제부, 세부과제책임자, 2008  (3yrs)

R6 항타품질 분석시스템의 사용편의성 개선을 위한 연구, 삼성건설, 2008  (1yr)

R5 유비쿼터스 제어플랫폼 프로토타입 개발, 중소기업청, 2006  (1yr)

R4 지능로봇산업화센터 신뢰성시험평가실 구축기획 및 세부운영계획, 대전시 첨단산업진흥재단,  2006 (1yr)

R3 생체신호수집 및 전송을 위한 주행 플랫폼 개발, 중소기업청, 2006  (1yr)

R2 이동조작기 제어 시뮬레이터 개발에 관한 연구, 정보통신부, 2005  (1yr)

R1 무인자동혈당측정기개발, 중소기업청, 2005  (1yr)



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